Be you. To be fully and authentically who you are in God. Wearing your beautiful Christ likeness as royalty, to participate in true richness.

All of you for Him. Being good to your whole self.

Nurturing your specific talents while allowing God’s strength to shine as He develops you in your weakness as well, through obedience.


Here in BeUMom project we give "feathers" to grow your wings back!


Feathers include:

- educational resources (Blog, Podcast, Youtube channel, Bible studies)

- products to help your identity to be rooted in Christ (BeUMom shop)

- 3H community (coming soon)

- BeUApp - mom-focused app for daily support

- BeUJunior: board games, cartoons, books, and activities for kids (learn more...)


Why feathers


Our logo, a feather with a flame inside, represents us daughters of our Heavenly Father. Just like a feather, you embody light, tenderness, and the ability to share your radiance with the world. Life's challenges may sometimes weigh you down, making you feel as though you've lost your feathers or had your wings clipped by the judgments of others. But remember, God has blessed you with wings, and like eagles, you can soar to new heights (Isaiah 40:31).


At BeUMom, we're here to provide you with the tools you need to grow those wings back. Our shop offers a variety of resources designed specifically for moms and children, empowering you to be effective stewards of the blessings God has given you. Whether you seek encouragement, support, or the confidence to stand up for your family, we've got you covered. We firmly believe in your identity in Jesus Christ, the Lion of the tribes of Judah, and we're committed to helping you embrace your role as a beloved child of God.


Let us accompany you on this incredible journey of womanhood as we celebrate your strength, share your light, and rise above challenges together. Always remember, you are a cherished child of God, and your wings are meant to carry you to great heights!

Within your heart, there's a divine fire, ready to shine brightly and inspire others to spread their wings too. 

Interested in sending these feathers further, earning commissions from sales? Become our ambassador here.


apply here

ladies already spreading their wings with beumom:

Here, you can discover a list of inspiring women collaborating with BeUMom, embarking on their journeys to soar in the name of Jesus. They are bravely unveiling their true selves and embracing a fulfilling life. Our diverse group includes women from various cultures and languages. Feel free to explore their Instagram profiles:

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Coming soon…

"Be you the way God intended you to be."